Nutrition means making a wise choice to take full control of your eating habits by way of utilizing FDA approved foods.
Foods that are FDA approved contain the Nutrients we need to grow and function properly to strive toward a balanced diet in our health decisions.
So let’s be sure to include foods that provide essential amounts of protein, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals.
Nutritious Foods added to your daily intake would help us to live a more healthy, lengthy life.
Salmon is low in fat and calories and high in protein.
Super foods consist of plenty of fruits and vegetables — things like Kale, which is loaded with vitamins, minerals, natural fiber, and energy.
Blueberries include antioxidants that help reduce inflammation. Carrots help you see better, and for that sweet tooth craving — how about dark chocolate, which is full of iron and copper. And oh yeah, not the whole bag! …just a little bit a couple times a week will not hurt.
In fact, eating properly from every healthy food group like some of these mentioned may surprise you in a good kinda way — life changing!
Proper nutrients combined with physical activity is the best way to achieve optimal health.
Join us next week to learn more about that!
Keep looking up!
Coach Gigi