
Nutrition means making a wise choice to take full control of your eating habits by way of utilizing FDA approved foods.

Foods that are FDA approved contain the Nutrients we need to grow  and function properly to strive toward a balanced diet in our health decisions.

So let’s be sure to include foods that provide essential amounts of protein, healthy fats,  vitamins and minerals.

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Welcome — Mission Statement

This health and wellness self-improvement blog is dedicated to helping people and especially women in their 50s and beyond to improve and promote a healthy, productive lifestyle.

Stay tuned for powerful messages containing health advice,  life coaching, health and wellness resources, real life experiences, nutrition and exercise tips, suggested work-out equipment and reviews, meal plans and much, much more!

We are here to encourage each other by sharing our experiences so we can reach new peak levels of physical and mental awareness.

We will grow together as we begin to look and feel so amazing and live our stress-free life!


Keep looking up!
Coach Gigi

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